MODULE 5 – Expert

Lesson 1: Currency Intervention
Why is China important to traders in evaluating Forex trading opportunities? China needs to be considered as a global economic power because its economic fortunes impact the economic development of the world. This lesson provides critical insights into why China’s economic data are necessary to traders and what to look out for.
Furthermore, we will examine case studies on what happens when a central bank such as the Swiss National Bank or the Bank of Japan intervenes in the currency market to manipulate their currency. We will showcase how we can benefit from these interventions by applying our rule-based Supply and Demand strategy.
Lesson 2: Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Ripple, and others are growing exponentially in value. However, we are still in the early phases of an emerging market. Which means there are tremendous upside and great opportunities for investors in Cryptocurrency but also more risk for those who do not understand this rapidly evolving market. Currently, over 85 percent of cryptocurrency accounts are in a buy‐and‐hold mode.
This lesson explains how to get started in cryptocurrencies and how to decide whether you might be better off investing or trading in cryptocurrencies. We will analyze the most exciting cryptocurrencies from a Supply and Demand point of view and highlight low risk, high reward and high probability trading opportunities.
Lesson 3: Futures vs. Forex
What advantages does Forex trading hold over Futures trading? Is trading Forex better than trading Futures? This lesson breaks down the differences between Forex vs. Futures trading.
We will show you the unique advantages and disadvantages of each asset class and guide you on which venue may be best suited for your current resources and needs. Ultimately, we will highlight how to benefit from the best of both worlds to increase your odds.
Lesson 4: Contracts for difference (CFDs)
Contracts for difference (CFDs) are one of the world’s fastest-growing trading instruments. The reason for it is simple: With CFDs, we can trade Equity Indexes, certain commodities and even Stocks for much less margin requirement. However, these derivatives are not standardized products, and every Broker has their own prices and regulations.
This particular lesson is designed to give you a solid foundation, enabling you to enter the CFD market with confidence and understand exactly how to analyze these derivates with the help of the underlying asset.
We will show how these complex financial instruments operate in the real live market environment and guide you through the entire analysis process from applying our Supply and Demand strategy to accurate position sizing.